This vector clipart include: tools, design, applications, palette, scissors, clamp, puzzle, hammer, wrench, screwdriver, gauge, dashboard, apple script, clock, stopwatch, microphone, spectacles, comments, trash, home, pushpin, locked, unlocked, bullhorn, headphones, extinguisher, dove, microscope, beaker, hypodermic, graduated cylinder, test tube, thermometer, iphone 4, ipod, android, ipad, antique phone, post box, antique cash register, light bulb, ribbon, trophy, brief case, antique radio, gears, camera, music, pen and ink, umbrella, rain cloud, thunder cloud, cloud, sun-and-cloud, search, zoom in, zoom out, clipboard and file, calculator, copy document, sliders, pencil and paper, terminal, monitor, battery, battery charger, speaker, volume-up, file Vector illustrations can be opened in various computer art programs, for example: Macromedia Freehand, Corel Draw, Xara, PMView, Ventua Publisher, and of course Any Adobe Software Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator etc. can be used to open and edit vectors. Adobe Illustrator my certain choice! It is very easy to modify vector files: add other elements, remove elements, change size, rotate, recolor.