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Butterfly Photoshop Custom Shapes

Butterfly Photoshop Custom Shapes

Here is a new set of free custom shapes with butterfly vectors. All the butterfly shapes are made after real butterflies so they are very realistic. The CSH file contains 38 shapes, ready to be used in your designs.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 6586

Butterfly Shape CSH

Butterfly Shape CSH

This CSH file includes only one butterfly shape with a beautiful design that you can use for creating a fantasy butterfly as you can see in the preview image. You can download this vector butterfly shape for free.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 8083

Butterfly Custom Shapes for Photoshop

Butterfly Custom Shapes for Photoshop

Butterfly is a beautiful symmetrical creature. It has inspired designers for centuries. Some people are obsessed with butterfly.

If you're one of them, then today is your lucky day. Our next free download is a set of Photoshop custom shapes and the theme as you can guess, is Butterfly. There are nine type of butterflies in this set.

You can download the custom shapes (in CSH file format), load it in Photoshop as custom shapes and just have fun creating wonderful things with this wonderful creature.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 8326

Butterfly Photoshop Shapes

Butterfly Photoshop Shapes

It's always good to have lots of Photoshop resources like custom shapes and brushes, so this CSH file will be good received, that is what I hope anyway. I have made these butterfly shapes playing around with different other shapes like circles, flowers and lines. Enjoy these custom shapes with 15 cute cartoon butterflies and don't forget to share it with your friends!

rating: submitted by:admin views: 5265

Free Butterfly Shapes

Free Butterfly Shapes

Today I’m giving away my first set of custom shapes for Photoshop. 8 beautiful butterfly shapes to decorate your designs. They are created with Photoshop CS3, so they probably will not work with older versions.

These shapes are free to use, both for personal and commercial projects. No backlink is necessary, but highly appreciated.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 5541

Butterfly and Floral Vector Shapes

Butterfly and Floral Vector Shapes

There are 6 beautifully detailed butterflies and 5 gorgeous flourishes in this set. That's 11 total brand new shapes featuring my original designs that you won't find anywhere else. Download these decorative vector shapes for free and use them in Photoshop as CSH file.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 10037