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15 Photoshop Shapes Icons and Buttons

15 Photoshop Shapes Icons and Buttons

From my own arsenal, I am sharing 15 Photoshop Custom Shapes of web icons, buttons and logos I’ve created. Download them and feel free to use, without restrictions, in your next website design project. Included in the zip archive, you get the fully editable shapes to load in Photoshop and the original Adobe Illustrator vector file these shapes were created from.

And, because these are vector based, you can resize them to whatever proportional dimensions you like without losing any detail.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 8293

33 Photoshop Button Shapes Two-Hole Buttons

33 Photoshop Button Shapes Two-Hole Buttons

Have you used photoshop button shapes to make cool stitch style designs? Probably this is something to consider for your next project. Find some beautiful knit texture for background and start thinking about what you could do with these buttons vector silhouettes to give your design a cosy look and feel.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 4145

70 Web Arrows Icons

70 Web Arrows Icons

Today’s free collection of photoshop custom shapes includes 70+ web arrows icons. Available in CSH file format, these vector arrows are ideal for creating arrow icons for your website designs. Arrows with pointed tips or arrows with rounded corners? Vector shapes are sometimes challenging to create and modify.

Check out this tutorial and learn how to create rounded corners in Photoshop. Want even more arrows? Check out this pack from Photoshop Supply with 55 different arrow shapes.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 8007

80 Badge Icons Vector

80 Badge Icons Vector

Today’s freebie for web designers is a set of more than 80 vector badge icons. These icons are available as photoshop custom shapes in CSH file format. You can apply any styling to these icons – whatever is suitable for your next design.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 10824

60 Photoshop Stitched Icons

60 Photoshop Stitched Icons

Stitched icons available for download as photoshop custom shapes. 60 vector stitched icons in set (CSH file format). Great resource for your design tool box – download and start incorporating them into your design.

Today I would like to share this great pack of 60 vector stitched icons in CSH file format. You can also download my previous collections of round photoshop web symbols and square shapes icons if you need something simple.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 23945

90 Shapes Icons Vector

90 Shapes Icons Vector

Today I am sharing a useful set of free shapes icons in CSH vector format (photoshop custom shapes). These icons can be resized and styled as it is suitable for your web design projects.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 11721

35 Pretty Texture Icons

35 Pretty Texture Icons

Today’s freebie for web designers is a great pack of pretty photoshop texture icons in CSH file format. These textured web icons are great for making creative hand-drawn style web layouts.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 6060

100 Web Icon Shapes

100 Web Icon Shapes

These custom shape presets contain 100 web icon shapes all together. They are free to use for non-commercial projects. Because many of them are based on the Token icon set by brsev, you can't use all of them commercially.

The set contains all sort of useful icons(folder icons, phone icons, sound icons, etc) and software logos.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 9746

Free Vector Minimalistic Icons

Free Vector Minimalistic Icons

This vector clipart include: tools, design, applications, palette, scissors, clamp, puzzle, hammer, wrench, screwdriver, gauge, dashboard, apple script, clock, stopwatch, microphone, spectacles, comments, trash, home, pushpin, locked, unlocked, bullhorn, headphones, extinguisher, dove, microscope, beaker, hypodermic, graduated cylinder, test tube, thermometer, iphone 4, ipod, android, ipad, antique phone, post box, antique cash register, light bulb, ribbon, trophy, brief case, antique radio, gears, camera, music, pen and ink, umbrella, rain cloud, thunder cloud, cloud, sun-and-cloud, search, zoom in, zoom out, clipboard and file, calculator, copy document, sliders, pencil and paper, terminal, monitor, battery, battery charger, speaker, volume-up, file Vector illustrations can be opened in various computer art programs, for example: Macromedia Freehand, Corel Draw, Xara, PMView, Ventua Publisher, and of course Any Adobe Software Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator etc. can be used to open and edit vectors. Adobe Illustrator my certain choice! It is very easy to modify vector files: add other elements, remove elements, change size, rotate, recolor.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 10492

Free Vector Icons

Free Vector Icons

Huge set of Free Vector Icons for every day use. This clipart contain most useful icons and symbols of everything: speech cloud, envelope, pen, pencil, men, women, business man, dustbin, garbage can, trashcan, ashcan, shop cart, book, letter, phone, cellphone, iphone, ipad, ipod, monitor, screen, bag, packet, suitcase, baggage, trunk, b-cars, gift box, light bulb, tools, calendar, laptop, radio, win screen, data storage, HDD, keyboard, sos symbol, life buoy, first-aid kit, road code, open and closed lock, key, informational sign, clip, stable, document icon, mouse, cd/dvd disk, diskette, disk, processor, patchplug, pin, plug, socket, wall outlet, USB, clock, stopwatch, knife and fork, cup, vine glass, printer, photo camera, picture, pattern, eye, memory stick, candy, water drop, puzzle peace, flag, glass flask, star, heart, laying, bookmark, tag, film, video camera, TV, security camera, speaker, medal, scissors, snowflake, cloud, lightning, syn, moon, quote, music note, microphone, headphones, flower, umbrella, track, car, petrol station, factory, radar, calculator, joystick, game pad, gear, shield, coat of arm, skull, tree, leaf, pointer, Earth planet, bug, battery, magnifying glass, loupe, binocular, and arrows for any direction. All icons professionally done, have no sharp angels, all corners smooth and round.

This set was kindly created and shared for free by and I’d like to express my personal respect for such a great freebie. Don’t forget to visit there WordPress Themes gallery.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 20059